
public protocol JsonRequest : Request where Self.Result : Decodable

This request protocol is a specialization of the Request protocol. It can be used often when working with a JSON API where the returned data is a JSON object. As a requirement, the request’s result type must implement the Decodable protocol. The decode(_:) method is then synthesized automatically by using a JSONDecoder and decoding the raw data to the specified type. decodeSnakeCase can further be used to modify the behavior of the aforementioned decoder.

  • decodeSnakeCase Default implementation

    Defines whether the decoder decoding the raw data to the result type should consider camel case in the Swift code as snake case in the JSON (i.e. userID would be parsed from the field user_id if not specified explicity in the type to decode to). By default, attributes are decoded using snake case attribute names.

    Default Implementation



    var decodeSnakeCase: Bool { get }


  • decode(_:) Extension method



    public func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> Result
  • This method is very similar to the method Request.schedule(forPaginationWith:chunk:zeroBasedPageIndex:decode:), however, the user does not have to explicitly define a decode function whenever both the actual result and the type of PaginatedData to be used conform to the Decodable protocol. The type of the paginated data is tried to be inferred automatically, but might need to be given explicitly in some circumstances.



    public func schedule<P>(forPaginationWith service: HttpService, chunk: Int,
                            zeroBasedPageIndex: Bool = false,
                            paginatedType: P.Type = P.self) -> Paginator<Self, P>
    where P: PaginatedData, P.DataType == Result, P: Decodable



    The service representing the API against which to schedule paginated requests.


    The (maximum) number of elements that are requested per page. The number of returned elements is only smaller than the given chunk if the given page index is the index of the last page and the number of elements is not divisible by the chunk.


    Whether the API endpoint that the request is scheduled against indexes the first page with 0. By default, the first page is indexed by 1.


    The paginated data type to which to decode a response.